
A Guide To Your Health Screenings, Don't Be A Statistic. - Subscription Based Healthcare | indipop

Written by indipop team | Dec 22, 2021 10:00:49 PM

Ryan shook out his arm like he was shaking off a bug that landed on his sleeve, he was speaking with a colleague in the middle of the sales floor and carried on the conversation while he used his left hand to massage his right hand, wiggling his fingers  and shaking it out like flicking something from his fingertips.  He made a joke that his arm and hand lately feel like they fall asleep and kept on talking while he tried to get feeling back into his limb. Ryan noticed this new sensation weeks ago, but since it is not completely impacting his daily life he thinks it will just go away.

I can’t remember when I last saw my provider?

If you resonate with the heading of this paragraph then you and Ryan are among a growing group of Americans who may have health insurance, but still postpone going to a specialist or following up with their doctor about a new symptom they are experiencing. 

Symptom or no symptom early detection is key to ensuring you will have a positive outcome in treating your condition.   Our body alerts us when something is not functioning 100% and ignoring the signs and not seeking treatment can be the determination of life and death.

Ryan went about his life, waking up his arm and hand became part of his routine until, one day Ryan’s left side of his body went numb.  He could no longer ignore his body and the signs it was signaling.  After tests and imaging were performed Ryan learned he had a brain tumor and needed surgery right away.  

We don’t share this story to scare you.

Ok maybe we do.

Many people do need to have a fright in order to make a change and put their health first.  Ryan didn’t know he had a tumor, but he did know that something was going on with his body.   That is why screenings are so important to catch conditions before they become advanced.

Below is a list of top screenings people 21 and older should be considering.

We are approaching the start of a new year.  If you are not in the habit of regular check ups or attending to your health needs, make 2022 a year to start, there is only 1 you!

Health Screenings recommended by the CDC

Breast Cancer

CDC states “ Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat.”
Recommendations of age to have a mammogram:
women who are 50 to 74 years old and are at average risk for breast cancer get a mammogram every two years.
Women who are 40 to 49 years old should talk to their doctor or other health care professional about when to start and how often to get a mammogram.
Women should weigh the benefits and risks of screening tests when deciding whether to begin getting mammograms before age 50.

Cervical Cancer

The Pap test can find abnormal cells in the cervix which may turn into cancer. The HPV test looks for the virus (human papillomavirus) that can cause these cell changes. Pap tests also can find cervical cancer early, when the chance of being cured is very high.
The Pap test (or Pap smear) looks for precancers, cell changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not treated appropriately.

Age recommendations to start getting a PAP:
You should start getting Pap tests at age 21. If your Pap test result is normal, your doctor may tell you that you can wait three years until your next Pap test.
If You Are 30 to 65 Years Old
Talk to your doctor about which testing option is right for you—

  • A Pap test only. If your result is normal, your doctor may tell you that you can wait three years until your next Pap test.
  • An HPV test only. This is called primary HPV testing. If your result is normal, your doctor may tell you that you can wait five years until your next screening test.
  • An HPV test along with the Pap test. This is called co-testing. If both of your results are normal, your doctor may tell you that you can wait five years until your next screening test.

Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps (abnormal growths) in the colon or rectum. Screening tests can find precancerous polyps, so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. Screening tests also can find colorectal cancer early, when treatment works best
Regular screening age:
Beginning at age 45, is the key to preventing colorectal cancer and finding it early. Most insurance plans and Medicare help pay for colorectal cancer screening for people who are 50 years old or older.

Skin Cancer


How many millions are diagnosed with skin cancer each year?

  1. a) 1 million
  2. b) 5 million
  3. c) 10 million

If you guessed (b) 5 million you are correct, 5.4 million basal and squamous cell skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the US (occurring in about 3.3 million Americans, as some people have more than one) The good news is catching skin cancer early can prevent these lesions from becoming dangerous.

You should have yearly skin checks, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors


The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. The most common type of heart disease in the United States is coronary artery disease (CAD), which affects the blood flow to the heart. Decreased blood flow can cause a heart attack.

There are many tests to make sure your heart is pumping strongly. From EKG’s to stress tests, these tests can provide makers to get a baseline of how healthy your heart is.  Age, family and health history is a good indicator when you should start monitoring your heart.

A healthy start to 2022

Listen to your body and keep track of your health.  If you can’t remember what you had for lunch yesterday then most likely you need to have a calendar of important health dates to have your yearly check up and get the necessary age appropriate tests/screenings.  Check in with yourself and your body, how are you feeling? Do you notice more headaches, popping more antacids, a soreness in your back that comes and goes. Before you self diagnose with google, check in with your provider.  Have a conversation, review your health history, don’t go down the rabbit hole of what it “could be”, go step by step and not get ahead of yourself. 

In this upcoming year, make time for you, one way to invest in yourself is purchasing a wearable.  This is a great way to track heart rate( resting and active), some products can even track your blood oxygen and or heart rhythms.  These are small ways to take notice of your body and your health. While you are getting physically healthy don’t forget your mental wellbeing, many physical symptoms come from stress and by working on your mental state you will be doing your entire body a favor!


indipop plans offer annual wellness and mental health, if you haven’t checked out a plan yet you may still enroll throughout the year!