
Announcing indipop + Founders Live - Subscription Based Healthcare | indipop

Written by indipop | Jul 17, 2020 2:55:29 PM

indipop is excited to announce we’ve partnered with Founders Live, a community and media channel created to inspire, educate and entertain entrepreneurs around the world with live-streamed 99-second pitch competitions! This partnership will help connect freelancers to accessible and affordable healthcare options through indipop, allowing them to push their focus towards their hustle.

Particularly in these unprecedented times, we feel that access to healthcare is invaluable. There are many of you who may have been displaced from your full-time jobs and have had to struggle to find options that work for you and your family. Some of you have found the time to pursue your passions full-time but uncertainty surrounding your healthcare lingers. By partnering with Founders Live, we’re able to pull together communities to provide you the healthcare resources you need to not only survive, but thrive.

Founders that utilize Founders Lives’ platform can now quickly and easily review plans and enroll in minutes!