How does a .10-cent aspirin turn into a $20 pill? It can be frustrating and infuriating to decipher ...
indipop Blog
When some people hear about indipop, they ask if it's too good to be true. They wonder if healthshar...
If there is one thing we’ve learned over the last two years, it’s that life, finances, and health ca...
We’ve discussed in the previous blog post about whether or not cost sharing is legitimate, a brief h...
Just because it doesn’t have the word insurance doesn’t mean it’s not health care. Even though healt...
What is a healthshare? A healthshare doesn’t function like traditional insurance, but it still keeps...
With its lower rates, concierge care and fair medical pricing, healthsharing is a great alternative ...
Furthering our dedication to be a top provider of alternative healthcare options for the independent...
indipop is excited to announce we’ve partnered with Founders Live, a community and media channel cre...
I am an independent contractor. Am I eligible for unemployment benefits under the CARES Act?
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